Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well me and nicole are going to brandon tomorrow and going to ag days!! woo hoo it'll be fun! at least for me not sure about her yet but yah anyways shes never drove in brandon before so i'm going to let her drive there and in brandon to get some experience cause some day she will have to do it herself!!... but yah this weekend is going to be awesome! actually the next 3 weekends i'm going to try and make the best out of them! but yah! i hope this whole thingy resolves itself soon cause people are getting hurt and it needs to stop and even if you start denying it then thats still not going to help because we all know that you've already said it and you can't take it back now! but yah i'm gone more updates tomorrow for ya'll!!


Anonymous said...

what's going on this weekend?

~Kimmy D~ said...

not sure yet... just get drunk and end up somewhere cause i won't be able to go out til late both nights cause i'm curling in newdale so yah.. i'll maybe have something by tomorrow