Sunday, January 7, 2007

Lucky night!

Man we were lucky last night.... We were driving down to loz's house and no buddy told me that there was a dead end... so anyways were goin about 80kph and then all of a sudden mark yells turn left! so i slammed on the brakes and then cranked it as hard left as i could n then we went sliding around the corner and into the ditch... then the whole left side of the truck came up and just about went over.. but it went down.. we just looked at each other n called loz's dad to come pull us out... never been that stuck or scared in my life!! lol haha so its good that i never wrecked mark's truck last night!! After we picked up loz and edward then we headed to shoal lake to the hockey game but when we got there it was over so we just went in and tried to find somewhere to go... there was nothing goin on so about 10 of us went back to mark's n played pool!!


Anonymous said...

woah! kimmy has a blog! haha.. thinkin about starting one up myself actually.. haha lata dude!

~Kimmy D~ said...

haha boyle your great you start your blog n then i can read all about your life

Gill said...

haha kimmy has a blog?! good shit lol. I got it all counted out... only 169 days til countryfest! It's gonna be an awesome time! :D lol laters

~Kimmy D~ said...

Oh i love you hannerz!! and i love that saying too!! haha... but anyways i'm really going to miss you guys and we gotta party it up for the remaining 3 weekends i'm here lol

Anonymous said...

People should read this.