Sunday, January 14, 2007


Some people need to grow up and get a life... if you constantly need to talk about guys and then your proud when you think you took one from your friend, you need to grow up! Like honestly who gives a shit if you think you have a guy yah don't need to talk about it all the time there are more important things in life than just you! but anyways last night was interestin to say the least sorry ash i heard you got in trouble... we'll still find time to party with you even if i have to kidnap you before you go to roblin! me n nolan's plan!! lol haha but yah everyone who was at ashley's we had an awesome time and yes it was funny and i wish i had more times like that before i leave!! and oh yah some people wanna make me leave sooner than february 7th!!

~Kimmy D~


Anonymous said...

so true kimmy somepeople need to realize that there is other ppl in world!

Anonymous said...

wooop kimmy! haha thats right screw you bitch stop talkin about your self NO ONE CARES!! hhahahaha thats is crazy.. he dont like you at all!!!! lol

~Kimmy D~ said...

it is true and it is harsh but it needs to be said and someone had to do it because everyone is sick of hearing just about your life, you say that you care about everyone but really if it comes down it it then all you've been doing is back stabbing people

Anonymous said...

oh kimmy haha i love ya and we are ganna have more times like that before you leave i promise that, but ya you know what you are right and ya some ppl need to stop onlt thinking of themsleves and think of other feeling aww BITCH some ppl eh jeeze!!!Don;t worry kimmy you have better freinds then that you don't backstabbing guys stealing freinds haha luv ya lots and we'l get through it ~*~Ashley~*~

Anonymous said...

what happened that night that you guys are talkin like this? lol and who is it about?!
this is krazyness!!

Anonymous said...

HEY KIMMY.... MAN O MAN CRAZE NIGHT I HEAR.. IM SORRY I WAS AN ASS THAT NIGHT BUT I COULDNT SAY NO TO HOT TUBBIN LOL... one of these nights we gotta be like old times n go get drunk somewhere... man it shouldnt take me too long to do that havent drank lately haha... im slackin jeez... but yeah love yeah to death and if it results in comin to visit i'll get on it and track u down where ever u go haha...

Anonymous said...

hahaha WOOO KIMMY! lol You go girl! haha Ahh Man i dont want you to leave here.. not excited for that day. Hope we have a few good weekends before ya go!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimmy!
Wow crazy haha.. this weekend baby definatly party hardy haha.. if your havin a party.. im sooo sleepin over at your house.. and we are getting smashed cause you wont have to drive home.. CAUSE you'll already be home!! hahaha.. wow im talkin like CRAZY SHIT DRUNK.. cant remeber the next day.. well at least its blurry hahaha.. love ya very muchly!
Boyle :-)

Anonymous said...

are you having a party this weekend?

~Kimmy D~ said...

Hey you guys!!!! i'll get back to you on the party thingy.. i'll ask my daddy tonight and make sure i have one in the next couple of weeks!!... and if you are friends with me then it is obvious to who i am talking about here and everyone knows what happened!

~Kimmy D~ said...

Oh and ash i'll forgive you i guess lol next time i'm comin tho!!

Anonymous said...

are you having a party this weekend? lol

Gill said...

what the fuck has been happening? lol, good old newdale and it's drama?! lol, yay i'm home in like 24 days .. must get super drunk ok??!? lol, not done that since ... hmm, boxing day?!! oh man that was bad .. sorry bud lol, ... catcha laters gill.xx

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
what happened that night that you guys are talkin like this? lol and who is it about?!
this is krazyness!!"

This was OBVIOUSLY Britney Lueder, shes the only one who writes crazyness with a 'K' .. some people fuck, and kimmy, im gunna miss you when you leave!

Anonymous said...

Actually, if this was britney lueder, she would have left her name because she has her own google obviously your wrong, and alot of people spell Krazyness with a K,so why dont you just stop saying shit about her

Anonymous said...

kay well fuck all this has to stop thats my thought and it is just inbeteen the two ppl kimmy and the other person and i dont think we need to make this worse really i dont think this should go further!!! STOP we are not in kindergarten no more!!!!

~Kimmy D~ said...

they have made it more than just between us and why don't you leave your name kim and britney we all know its you cna tell by the way you talk we aren't stupid! or not yet anyways!

~Kimmy D~ said...

yes gill we are getting super drunk and i'll update you when were getting drunk together woo hoo!! 23 days!! haha cna't wait

Gill said...

ok guys .. i really only know one side of the story ... so i'm not trying to get involved with any of this ... it's not my business at all, you're both my friends ... BUT I do think that you two should just talk about it ... I swear that things are better in the open ... Friends are more important than guys, .. ya sometimes that's hard to believe but they are .. guys are kind of stupid sometimes lol. Anyways, laters. :)