Saturday, February 10, 2007


Hey guys i haven't wrote in here for awhile... not that much has happened lately... new job is awesome, lovin' it!! trying to find my own place in hamiota so that it won't cost me so much on gas and mileage for my truck... haven't been home much lately cause i leave for work before 7 in the morning and dont get home till after 7 at night then i've been moving blaine into his new house in hamtown and partyin with friends around here, catching up n shit! since i don't go to school anymore... umm grad pictures went awesome!! we had an awesome group pic of mark,megan,dan,hannah,blaine,boyle,me,n ash.... then i got an awesome one of just me, boyle, hannah, and megan and then one of just me n dan, and one of me n the guys and one of me n boyle! they all turned out really well and i can't wait to get them back... really really looking forward to grad now! thats all for now....


Anonymous said...

make sure you post your grad pics on here for us to see!

Michele said..., every day there is going to be a new question!! Go there and answer it lol, I want to see what people's responses are! :D

Anonymous said...

I agree with hannah lol !

Anonymous said...


~Kimmy D~ said...

thanxs hannerz!! i love them also i'll get them on here sometime and make sure you guys tell me which ones that you want