Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Going Great!

Just thought that i should write something in here cause it has been alittle while and a few new things have happened in my life... First of all I went and bought a new truck last Tuesday!! That was exciting... it is a 2003 Chevy Silverado, its white in color... its a really really nice truck i think it is much nicer than the dodge but all it needs is a few accessories and tint!! I hate when everyone can see who you;ve got in your cab... but anyways thats the first piece of news.. The second piece is that me and nelson have started going out since last wednesday night... i guess you could say thursday.. but anywho that don;t matter... shocked alot of people but it don't matter cause i'm happy abouts it so yah... that all happened last week so it has been good because i've got an awesome job, house, truck, and boyfriend... what more could a girl ask for... everything is going my way for now so i really really hope nothing screws up... this weekend should be alright i think we are planning a couples weekend with some of the buddies... if that goes through i don't really wanna go partyin all i wanna do is have a few friends over, have a couple of drinks but gotta go back to work.. might post again laters!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimmy!!
Well I texted ya but I figured I would write here too.

New truck eh? NICE!! lol. And congrats on you and Nelson that's sweet!

Things are pretty awesome when they work out eh!? lol.

Well catcha laters!