Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hey guys.. i haven't posted in awhile but i've been really busy with work and school... so yah there have been a few changes lately... i moved back home to mom & dads in strath... way cheaper and not sure how much longer i'm going to be living here... my plans are not made up yet on what i am doing... so now i'm back to the long drives to work everyday but eh its still cheaper!.... i've been partyin alittle bit lately, last weekend we went to brit & ryan's on saturday night and i did nothing on friday!! there was just a few people over and the grossest part was when blaine puked all over the bed thingy, couch, and floor... it was nasty and then his mom came and picked him up and took him home... but yah were going to the finger 11 concert on monday in winnipeg which is going to be awesome... my favourite song is paralyzer!! woo hoo!! should be exciting:D but thats all for now i gotta header for work... updates more often now that i'm near a computer all the time!!


Anonymous said...

who you going to finger eleven with and how come i didnt get an invitation?!!?

Anonymous said...

yeah! how come i wasnt invited!

~Kimmy D~ said...

if i don't know who you are how am i supposed to invite you guys... lol and it was a last minute thing as you can tell i just found out i was going to..

Anonymous said...

Well i was goin but No i have baseball so now i dont get to go :( .....i'm so pissed... god haha jk we'll have to go to another concert sometime and yeah have fun n take lots of pix for me....

britscrazylife said...

WOO WOO FINGER ELEVEN WAS THE SHIT!! lol I swear we should have brought the lead singer home with us!!!;) haha lol and that chick dancing on the 3rd balcony lol fuck she should have fallen over! lol crazyness! lol
love ya kimmy!!