Saturday, May 5, 2007

The weekend so far!

Hey guys.. the weekend has been interesting so far.. got back from work last night at around 4:30 AM... came in and everyone was passed out so i had to turn the lights on to see who would wake up and who was actually here and where they were sleeping so there was ryan and allison in ryan's bed, munchies on the couch upstairs, and spike in my bed! (britney's that i reserved for the weekend) so fuck i tried to kick spike outta the bed but he sure as hell was not going to get up so whatever by this time i had drank 2 pots of coffee and a few cokes.. so i was wired and everyone was passed out i was not happy so i just layed in bed and waited til everyone else got up at 8:45, made coffee we were drinking coffee except spike who decided to start early and found a few beer in the we did absolutely nothing all morning i had to run to strath for gas and such so now i'm just waiting for the guys to get back from sandy lake with a car that ryan is getting... so i might update later and tell you what were doing tonight but i have not heard of anything yet...

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hey guys.. i haven't posted in awhile but i've been really busy with work and school... so yah there have been a few changes lately... i moved back home to mom & dads in strath... way cheaper and not sure how much longer i'm going to be living here... my plans are not made up yet on what i am doing... so now i'm back to the long drives to work everyday but eh its still cheaper!.... i've been partyin alittle bit lately, last weekend we went to brit & ryan's on saturday night and i did nothing on friday!! there was just a few people over and the grossest part was when blaine puked all over the bed thingy, couch, and floor... it was nasty and then his mom came and picked him up and took him home... but yah were going to the finger 11 concert on monday in winnipeg which is going to be awesome... my favourite song is paralyzer!! woo hoo!! should be exciting:D but thats all for now i gotta header for work... updates more often now that i'm near a computer all the time!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Exciting News!!

Well who am i kidding lol i got no exciting news.. life is pretty dull at the moment and i am bored as hell sitting here at work waiting to get off so i can go for a few drinks with the guys!!... last week hasn't really been that interesting and i haven't heard of anything thats going on this weekend yet.. all i know is that a few of the guys are going to blaines tonight to drink so other than that i'm not sure in whats going on... is there anything planned for saturday night(tomorrow)... if there is would you please let me know cause i'm not decided if i want to do anything yet or just have a nice quite night at home... but anyways thats it for my exciting news... might post later on if i get bored more than i already am!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You Just Never Know

Some things in life you are just so sure of.. people tell you that your doing great and then all of a sudden you don't have a job even tho people told you that you were doing awesome and your best... its not me that lost my job but someone very close to me! you'll find out very soon who that is... but yah... you just never know in life what might happen to you next... thats why you live in the moment and try to do the best that you can all of the time... i know this might sound alittle weird coming from a 17 year old but you can't look back on your mistakes and/or regret them...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Going Great!

Just thought that i should write something in here cause it has been alittle while and a few new things have happened in my life... First of all I went and bought a new truck last Tuesday!! That was exciting... it is a 2003 Chevy Silverado, its white in color... its a really really nice truck i think it is much nicer than the dodge but all it needs is a few accessories and tint!! I hate when everyone can see who you;ve got in your cab... but anyways thats the first piece of news.. The second piece is that me and nelson have started going out since last wednesday night... i guess you could say thursday.. but anywho that don;t matter... shocked alot of people but it don't matter cause i'm happy abouts it so yah... that all happened last week so it has been good because i've got an awesome job, house, truck, and boyfriend... what more could a girl ask for... everything is going my way for now so i really really hope nothing screws up... this weekend should be alright i think we are planning a couples weekend with some of the buddies... if that goes through i don't really wanna go partyin all i wanna do is have a few friends over, have a couple of drinks but gotta go back to work.. might post again laters!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Woo Hoo!!

Woo Hoo!! went vehicles shopping today... found a couple nice trucks but finally found the onethat i absolutely love! but dads still trying to talk me into this other one yet!!... but i'm goin to definetly get one tomorrow so people will just have to wait and see wat i get... and who knows who will be the first one to ride in it lol all i'll say is that all the trucks i looked at had 4 doors!! woo hoo!! but yah the weekend was interesting went to nelsons at like 5 in the morning after work and then spent all day with the guys and went on a booze cruise to brandon.. seen spikes new house on 7th and pacific i think... then went back to hamiota to my house had a late supper and then they drank some more went to merediths.. then went back to my house for the night... got up took the guys home and then stayed in strath for the night n came home today

Friday, March 30, 2007


Well its friday night and i'm at work lol but at least edward is here tonight so then somebody else will know what it feels like to work nights.. but anyways went to the doctors today, had a couple tests and xrays b/c i fractured my hand last night so its all huge and swollen now but eh can't do much about it, it was either my hand or stomach so i chose my hand instead... but yah tonight should be interesting i hope that the trucks come in early so that i can get out of here fairly early tonight instead of 3 or 4 in the morning... but yah nothing other than that really exciting so keep me updated on whats happening tomorrow night... might make an appearance if theres something going on if not stayin home i guess, i'll be in strath tomorrow so i might talk to some of you guys tomorrow afternoon