Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My Day/Evening

Well today at school is pretty gay started reading freaking hamlet in ela and thats gay!! miswell just fail me now! But yah talked to someone last night for like an hour and a half and that was very interesting trying to find out some of the truth that went on this weekend! Some of what people are saying is very true others very wrong! I think people need to stop talkin trash about others and then some of this shit wouldn't happen... too much drama!! At party's your supposed to have a good time with your friends not make big scenes and go off and talk about other people you call friends!


Anonymous said...

OK IM SICK INTIRED OF EVERYTHING THATS GOIN ON.... FUCK EVERYONE NEEDS TO GROW UP AND STOP SAYIN SHIT LIKE KIMMY SAID... JUST BE URSELVES, STOP SPREADIN SHIT ABOUT OTHER PPL AND STOP LIEING...i hate when u are stuck in the middle of a situation and wish you werent involved in it because you dont want to hurt either people involved.. like its sooo hard.. man o man.. lol... but yeah just stay out of other ppls buisness and live your own life

~Kimmy D~ said...

thank you! i'm sick of this too and i wish people would just come to me and say shit if they wanna say it b/c i'd rather you say it to my face and talk to ME about it then other people and trust me i'll prolly be more understanding if you talk to me abouts it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can someone please update me?!? lol i'm so lost =/

Anonymous said...

okay i see the point but what if they are lies? i think that the ppl should just talk to eachother( the ones that were involved) and get over it. in the end everyone is getting hurt...... and years from now is this gonnna matter?

~Kimmy D~ said...

yah it is going to matter because there are a lot of friendships being ruined right now over just this.. being blamed for something that isn't true really does matter! and not everyone is getting hurt here.. if the one starting this shit is getting hurt then why did they start it! that is the one thing that i don't understand, i'm willing to talk to them but don't ever expect me to trust them again or ever!

Anonymous said...

well if you tell us who then maybe they will talk to you or why dont you just approch them on a computer or somewhere? you cant believe everyone around here. we all know what these towns are like.

~Kimmy D~ said...

Well obviously the person who wrote that is one of them i think if i have the right person which i'm sure i do! and why should i be the one to approach them especially on a computer if your going to do it do it face to face! and yah there are still some people around here you can trust you just gotta know who but that doesn't mean you need to tell them your whole life story

Anonymous said...

hey kimmy!!wow i really dont know the whole jsut of the story but wow lol haha you know you can trust me if you ever EVER need to talk!! you know where i live :p

Anonymous said...

shit man i havent been on here since your like second post lol! lots have happend.. lol but i already new a bout it! haha.. im wit you kimmy and im sure many are :) love you muchly!!

~Kimmy D~ said...

thanks guys!