Monday, January 22, 2007


Well this weekend was definetly interesting... found out a lot of stuff that i didn't know... figured out some trust issues i had... but anyways we partyied at spikes house all weekend, it was pretty awesome, friday night tho i had to leave at like 12:30 cause i had to work the next day and by the time that i got home i had to look after nicole anyways... saturday i worked all day and then curled at 7... went back to spikes house and stayed the night there with like 10 of us so it was pretty awesome!! haha some really really good times in the kitchen! ... got home at like 8:30 on sunday morning... slept for a few hours with boyle and hannerz at my house had a shower and went back to spikes house for the afternoon, then had to curl at 6... woo hoo got 1st in the 3rd event!! thats awesome lol i got a kettle out of it anyways! YES! and then after that went to nicoles for a few hours then went home to bed!! but yah a really really really awesome weekends not sure if i want one of those again in awhile or not! but yah... not doing anything around here this weekend... prolly going to saskatchewan to see spike


Anonymous said...

lol when u having the party at your house?

Anonymous said...

KIMMY! haha ohh kimmy thanks for drivin me around all the time. you are definatly like a big sister to me.. im goin to cry so hard on grad.. im not even goin to wear makeup! lol well ill wear makeup ( cause i look scary otherwise lol ) but ill have a hanky next to me!! haha.. ill miss you this weekend.. but spike needs help so i totally understand.. im definatly getting drunk on sat tho! haha.. and im gunna call you all smammered up! haha. cya at school loooove yoooou!

Anonymous said...

KIMMY! haha ohh kimmy thanks for drivin me around all the time. you are definatly like a big sister to me.. im goin to cry so hard on grad.. im not even goin to wear makeup! lol well ill wear makeup ( cause i look scary otherwise lol ) but ill have a hanky next to me!! haha.. ill miss you this weekend.. but spike needs help so i totally understand.. im definatly getting drunk on sat tho! haha.. and im gunna call you all smammered up! haha. cya at school loooove yoooou!

~Kimmy D~ said...

haha you guys are awesome!!! i'm goin to cry so hard on grad too!! actually i'm prolly going to cry hard on friday... last day of school.. but yah it'll be fun this weekend!! and you know hannerz i would definetly stay here this weekend if i could but i have to go.. don't really have a choice... but yah anyways...

~Kimmy D~ said...

not sure when i might have a party but i might be kicked outta my house after this weekend lol so we'll see after this weekend...

Anonymous said...

BEV AND GARTH!! haha dont kick her out!! lol lol

Anonymous said...

come see me when ur in SK!! lol, .. jk ... glad you had a good weekend .. mine consisted of studying, fucking school, lol, ... anyways, TTYL! Gill

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss you this weekend but good luck with whatever you do. I'm going to cry so hard on friday because you'll barely be at school. oh well ttyl


~Kimmy D~ said...

haha not going to saskatchewan now.. just can't afford it theres no way... so whats goin on this weekend??

Anonymous said...

not sure!! haha lets do something crazy! cause im ready to go.. i got something in mind! lol ;)