Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Well i guess i haven't updated in awhile and i'm sitting here at work bored outta my mind so i thought that i might write something... the last couple of days brit has been staying with me which is kinda nice because when you go home to an empty house everynight and the only time you dont is on the weekends its really nice to have someone there to talk to and shit like that... well anyways its brits 18th birthday today so i want to wish her a happy birthday and i hope she has fun tonight and doesn't drink and drive with my truck! lol i don't think she would do that.. but yah last weekend was kinda interesting but not really... friday night brit came and helped me at cattlex and we didn't get home till like 330 so there was no point in going out so we went home and slept until 10 then got up and started getting ready for the day... went to strath and picked up jimmerz and then to newdale and picked up ash, boyle, spike, nolan, kurt, mark, megan, (can't remember who else) but anyways then went to hamtown back to shoal lake picked up ryan and kyle dropped ryan, kyle, and kurt off with edward then started back to strath... went and seen my bro's brand new 2007 Yamaha Grizzly 700 Quad, at Al's house... then went back to newdale, at about 8 or so i get this phone call from jeremy to come drinking at al's house with him, al, shawn, and sned, so i loaded up boyle, ash, brit, and spike and went to al's house for a couple drinks with the old boys lol :D then went and picked up nelson and header to newdale, thenwe got to micheles house, partyied there for a bit until spike and ryan got kicked out so i loaded up me, brit, spike, nelson, ryan, and boyle and went to elphinstone bar which was alright til all of us ran out of money... so then we got stopped by the cops pulling out of the bar which was not good because we had open liquor in the front and back and the box and only a couple of us had seatbelts on but we got away with nothing because we told the cop that i was the DD even tho i was drunk out of my mind... but that was good so we just went back to the party and then back to my house, nelson drank all night and then went to work with me and blaine at 8 worked all day then went to bed for the rest of the night


Anonymous said...

anything going on this weekend?

~Kimmy D~ said...

not that i know of yet.. not planning on going out..

Anonymous said...

awh how come your not planning on going out!!! it was a pretty crazy night at micheles shoulda stayed!! lol oh well! Hope you change your mind and decide to come party!

Anonymous said...

yes that was a crazy night! lol.. i wish i could come stay with you for this whole spring break.. but i really hope if the house is still open for me.. i want to get a job and live with you.. i just need out right now.. ahh.. but i need to phone you soon sometime.. im leaving to the peg friday and will be back sat night.. going out to drink lol so i will hopefully see you! miss you kimmy.
and im hear for you and ill kick ass if.. well you know what i mean and im here for you dont forget that! and sooon ill have my licence and be able to see you any damn time i want too! love you muchly dear.

britscrazylife said...

I LOVE YOU KIMMY!! haha just thought I would leave you that message lol and tell Todd I said hi, and he better be working hard, or next time im there im gonna push him in the mud! lol haha

laters babe!
Brit <3

~Kimmy D~ said...

i miss you all alot and thanks for being there when i needed somebody...