Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You Just Never Know

Some things in life you are just so sure of.. people tell you that your doing great and then all of a sudden you don't have a job even tho people told you that you were doing awesome and your best... its not me that lost my job but someone very close to me! you'll find out very soon who that is... but yah... you just never know in life what might happen to you next... thats why you live in the moment and try to do the best that you can all of the time... i know this might sound alittle weird coming from a 17 year old but you can't look back on your mistakes and/or regret them...


Anonymous said...

hey kimmy!

its awesome that you are finally happy and everything is working out for you! you are an amazing girl and the best friend a girl could have! i am so stoked for May Long and C-Fest!! going to be awesome! see you soon hun!
love ya muchly!


Anonymous said...

is it blaine?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous yes it was blaine haha