Saturday, May 5, 2007

The weekend so far!

Hey guys.. the weekend has been interesting so far.. got back from work last night at around 4:30 AM... came in and everyone was passed out so i had to turn the lights on to see who would wake up and who was actually here and where they were sleeping so there was ryan and allison in ryan's bed, munchies on the couch upstairs, and spike in my bed! (britney's that i reserved for the weekend) so fuck i tried to kick spike outta the bed but he sure as hell was not going to get up so whatever by this time i had drank 2 pots of coffee and a few cokes.. so i was wired and everyone was passed out i was not happy so i just layed in bed and waited til everyone else got up at 8:45, made coffee we were drinking coffee except spike who decided to start early and found a few beer in the we did absolutely nothing all morning i had to run to strath for gas and such so now i'm just waiting for the guys to get back from sandy lake with a car that ryan is getting... so i might update later and tell you what were doing tonight but i have not heard of anything yet...

1 comment:

~Kimmy D~ said...

Phone me if anybody hears of anything.. 3650137